Business View Magazine | March 2020
107 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE MARCH 2020 UNI TED WATER RESTORAT ION GROUP INC . continental U.S. and 1 in Vaughan (Ontario), Canada. Who makes a good candidate for a UWRG franchise? Generally, people with some background in the trades, who are interested in the franchise model, and have some entrepreneurial experience. According to Bob Moore, VP of Franchise Operations, “We’ve gotten a lot of interest, lately, from people who have their own construction or remodelling company; the type of businesses that can, sometimes, be hurt in times of recession. Our business is fairly recession proof. You can’t predict when the calls will come in but, good times or bad, people are going to have pipes burst, and there will be natural disasters, floods, etc., so we aren’t impacted as badly in the economy as other trades.” Strong operational capabilities are the foundation of the company. Dedication to serving the customer has pushed the firm to UWRG’s Trio of Owners
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