Business View Magazine - Mar 2024

ambitious new developments. However, the pressing need for a runway upgrade stands out prominently on the horizon, projected to become imperative within the next seven to eight years. AN OPERATIONAL OVERVIEW Whether this upgrade entails lengthening the runway or simply repaving, it prompts deliberation among stakeholders. Yet, the situation’s urgency becomes apparent as it becomes clear that the runway is overdue for maintenance, having surpassed its expected life cycle. Despite the harsh winter conditions in Kapuskasing, which may offer some respite to the runway’s wear and tear, there’s an acknowledgment that action is needed to ensure its long-term viability. In discussing the airport’s flight composition, the prevalence of cargo flights emerges as a consistent feature, with an average of three cargo flights per day transporting essential goods to northern communities. Alongside this steady stream, medical evacuation flights, or “medevacs,” maintain a stable presence, providing critical support to those in need. However, the most notable increase in traffic is observed in general aviation (GA), particularly in charter flights and survey work. As the demand for GA flights continues to rise, albeit somewhat under the radar, considerations for infrastructure enhancements come to the forefront. Exploring options to accommodate increased GA traffic, discussions revolve around expanding hangar space and upgrading the apron area to align with the evolving needs of the airport. This proactive approach anticipates future growth trends and aims to position Kapuskasing Airport as a responsive and adaptable hub for aviation activities. NAVIGATING AIRSPACE At Kapuskasing Airport, North Star Air’s principal tenant occupying the airport’s largest hangar influences the aviation environment. Specializing in cargo transportation, North Star Air’s operations predominantly center on their own aircraft, posing challenges for public access to hangar space. Given North Star Air’s significant presence and utilization of hangar facilities at Kapuskasing Airport, 177 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 03 KAPUSKASING AIRPORT