Business View Magazine March 2023

142 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 3 Senser also explains that Waialua’s growth strategy is to maintain steady, planned development whilst keeping a close eye on market demand and trends. “We don’t want to tax the marketplace, and we certainly don’t want to hurt our existing local farmers. Our goal and our direction for the most part is to replace all eggs coming from the mainland with those coming off of our farm. Our plan has moved along without any major issues, but we did experience some difficulties with permit processes and equipment supply during the pandemic. Most of our equipment inside the barns comes from Europe; the first four barns’ equipment came from Italy and the next six are coming from Germany. Of course, now that the pandemic has settled somewhat, supply has improved. However, we are now dealing with rising inflation. There are always hurdles to jump across. We face them head-on and keep going.”