Business View Magazine | March 2019

7 (62 percent) thought it was important that all of their IoT devices communicated with one another securely than Millennials (33 percent). Beyond the personal data we exchange be- tween our devices, perhaps the most sensi- tive data any of us has is financial; Millen- nials and Gen Zers were twice as likely (14 percent) to stay signed into online banking accounts than Gen Xers or Baby Boomers (7 percent). With just a username and password, any- one can gain access to a person’s online information from almost any de- vice in the world. That seems small comfort to most respondents – 71 percent of whom did not believe their data is se- cure if they sign in on a device they don’t own. “Our smartphones are an extension of ourselves,” said Steven Sprague, CEO of Rivetz. “Our devices are so personal – they are our digital identity. It is paramount that we put users in control of their data by pro- tecting their devices with simple and safe built-in solutions.” When asked whose responsibility it was to keep their data secure, a striking 91 per- cent believed the duty was their own. Given this reality, two-factor authentication (2FA) appears to be a viable solution for users to enable an extra layer of security and con- trol over their own data. 2FA requires not only a username and password but also an- other piece of information unique to you – such as a security code sent to your mobile device via text or app. In fact, 92 percent of respondents felt 2FA kept their data more secure. The same percentage (92 percent) also believe it is worth it, in the long run, to take a little longer to log into their ac- counts to avoid data breaches in the future. When asked what types of accounts on which they would enable 2FA, 91 percent chose bank accounts, 53 percent chose health records, 49 percent chose email, and 39 percent chose social media. Twice as many Gen Zers would use 2FA for cryp- tocurrency exchanges, compared to Baby Boomers or older (22 percent). Rivetz’s best-in-class security solutions hinge upon access to the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), which is an isolated, measured computer environment separate from the operating system already built into millions of mobile devices. By provi- sioning all digital transactions through the TEE, Rivetz assures that users’ private keys cannot be altered or stolen if the operating system were tampered with or infected by malware.