Business View Magazine | March 2018

232 focus on evaluating newtechnologies and identifying the keybusiness areas where theyapply.And thenwe go out and build prototypes and services around that. So,many times,whenwemeet with our customers, we’re not onlyable to talk to themabout what new technologycan do,but we’re also able to showthem what that newtechnologycan do.That helps the cus- tomer conceptualizewhere theycan incorporate this newtechnology.For example,federal customers are beginning to see that there’s a cost driver that needs to be addressed,so a lot of our work is about cloud migrations and ITmodernization because that helps drive down costs.” CVP is also responding to the growing need for cybersecurity.“Our customers are veryconcerned about their securityposture and howtheymanage their se- curitycapabilities.So,we’ve been growing our security services to help thembuild secure systems as well as secure networks and environments.” Another area of concentration is healthcare analytics. “Because of the changing demographics in the coun- try; because of the costs of healthcare and being able tomanage that; because healthcare can often have fraud,waste,and abuse; we’ve been putting together CUSTOMER VALUE PARTNERS