Business View Magazine | March 2018

192 the switchwhenwe got the notion to pushAmerican made products,”Corey remembers,“andwemolded our company image and identityaround it.We’ve gone down to a pretty small detail towhat’s being provid- ed in these products andwhere theycome from.For example,we dissectedwhat was involved in putting a windowtogether and found out that the screws were being imported fromChina.So,we asked to useAmeri- canmade screws.” “Building newhomes withAmerican products will positively impact our local and national economies and it is something our customers will take pride in for years to come,”he adds.In one particular case, however,Corey found that he had no choice but to continue using Canadianwood,after determining that American-harvested southern pinewas too soft to use in construction.“I won’t compromise the qualityof our homes just to say they’re‘all Americanmade,’”he avers. “I turned back to the Canadian product because it was amuch higher qualityproduct.” That attention to qualityhas clearly redounded in the company’s favor.“We get a high percentage of repeat customers and referred customers,”Corey says. “We have loyal customers who are building second- and third-time homes with us.And the real estate community seeks us to take care of their clients be- cause theyknowthat theyare going to be verywell taken care of.” Going forward,Corey says hewould like to contin- ue to tryandmeet his 50 house per year goal.“We’re structured for 50 high quality,high serviceable homes and I don’t plan tomake anychanges from that,”he as- serts.What hewould like to do is add to the company’s acquisition and development of its own land,relying Phone: 509.276.5088 Toll Free: 1.800.292.5088 Email: Price Quality Performance Locally owned and operated since 1987. CONDRON HOMES