Business View Magazine | March 2018

15 Rise of the Rest Seed Fund,and Founders Fund also making investments.ZenBusiness will use the funding for product development andmarketing as it rapid- lyexpands into newverticals to serve the growing number of Americans creating businesses in the small business and sharing economy. “ZenBusiness is a disruptive entry into the long tail of American businesses that drive the economy forward,” said EricHippeau,managing partner at Lerer Hippeau. “Rosscreated the‘vacationrental byowner’market at HomeAway,andhis trackrecordof buildingconsumer productsatmassive scalemakes thisanextremelycom- pelling investment.ZenBusinesswill dramaticallygrow thenumberofAmericanswhostartabusinessof their ownandprotect themintheirbusinessendeavors.” ENTITY MANAGEMENT PROMISE VS.REALITY The corporate entity (LLC,C-Corp,and S-Corp) is the