Business View Magazine | March 2018

146 BAYTOWN, TEXAS $3.5million in aMain Street project,building a town square in the old communityof Goose Creek.“Baytown is the product of three communities coming togeth- er–Goose Creek,Pelly,and Baytown,”says Davis.“So we have,fromwayback in the day,certainMain Street corridors that have not been invested in to the degree that probably they should have been.They represent not onlyopportunity to us,but also our past and our heritage.And our citizens,through our strategicplan- ning efforts,have identified the preservation of our his- toric areas as being one of the top priorities for them. “So,we’venot only built this town square,but we’re also in the process of renovating a 1949movie theater that had become abandoned and turning that into a visitors center onTexasAvenue–that’s the heart of the Arts,Culture,and Entertainment area.”The redeveloped BrunsonTheater will serve as the city’s tourist center, as well as a business incubator,“for entrepreneurs whowant to start a business and domicile themselves here in Baytown,”says Davis.“That project is already