Business View - June 2015 117
independent living of a particular individual. It may
be for clinical services, but it could also be for cutting
wood, clearing snow, help with bathing, cooking meals,
etc. Provincial governments are realizing it takes more
than clinical services to help people stay at home and
healthy. Nova Scotia, for example, is trying to defer the
time when an individual has to go into a long-term care
facility. The cost differences are considerable:
Home Care $46 / day
Long-term Care Facility
$125 / day
$450 - $1000 / day
Poirier is candid about the options. “Given the choice,
people really do want to age and, frankly, die at home,
surrounded by their loved ones. This is obvious in the
bequests we receive from people who recognize the
great services VON has offered them or a family mem-
S.M.I.L.E is only one of many innovative programs un-
derway. VON also has an e-Nursing program that al-
lows a practitioner to go into the home and then be
coached electronically by a nurse. “And we are rolling
out hand-held devices to assist nurses and PSWs (Per-
sonal Support Workers). This kind of technology moves
us closer to the day when patients will be able to moni-
tor their own health with the help of a professional.
Electronic medical records is another development we
look forward to.”
Full Steam Ahead
The vision for the next five years sees VON Canada be-
coming even more efficient, with advances in technol-
ogy playing a huge role. Program development to help
caregivers is another priority – targeting family mem-
bers who look after their loved ones, and need a break