Business View Magazine - June 2024

manufacturing cars, refrigerators, and buildings, is just one facet of AISI’s representation. Alloy steels, which incorporate additional elements, and stainless steel, known for its high chromium content and corrosion resistance, are also part of AISI’s portfolio. This representation distinguishes AISI from other trade associations that often concentrate on a single type of steel. AISI supports various production methods. One involves processing iron ore through an integrated method to produce pig iron, which is then transformed into virgin steel. Alternatively, steel can be produced by recycling steel scrap in an electric arc furnace, aligning with the industry’s focus on sustainability. Dempsey emphasizes that AISI’s inclusive representation of iron ore-based and scrap-based steel production methods is a key strength, particularly as the industry evolves towards innovatively incorporating both approaches. PUBLIC POLICY ADVOCACY AISI’s mission encompasses significant advocacy on public policy issues and government regulations that impact the steel industry. The organization diligently works to ensure that the interests of steel producers are well-represented in policy discussions. Moreover, AISI promotes steel as the material of choice in two of its largest markets in the U.S.: construction and automotive. Extensive industry statistics are maintained, providing valuable data on production volumes, product types, shipment quantities, and the balance between domestic and imported steel. The statistics are reported weekly, monthly, and annually, offering a detailed picture of the industry’s health and trends. The data collection and dissemination are vital for industry stakeholders to make informed decisions and strategize effectively. AISI MEMBERSHIP The American Iron and Steel Institute’s (AISI) membership comprises two primary categories: producer members and associate members. Producer members include companies directly involved in steel production or iron ore mining and beneficiation. These members encompass a range of operations, from those focused on carbon steel to those specializing in recycling steel scrap into new steel. Many companies are integrating traditional and modern production methods to enhance their capabilities. For instance, some producer members employ the direct reduction method, using natural gas to produce iron pellets that can be blended with recycled steel scrap, thus creating higher steel grades with both recycled and virgin content. The adaptability and innovation reflect the evolving nature of the steel industry and the diverse approaches within AISI’s membership. On the other hand, associate members are integral 21 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 06 AISI - AMERICAN STEEL