Business View Magazine - June 2024

EDITOR’S NOTES The unofficial start of summer has arrived. If you are like me, you are probably having a hard time wrapping your head around how fast the last few months have flown by. Many may welcome the hot and hazy days of summer and are looking to relax. Around the offices of Business View Publishing, we are also certainly feeling the excitement of summer. Although many are looking forward to winding down over the summer months, the cities, organizations, school districts, and airports that we were fortunate to profile are doing the exact opposite. All are revving up to welcome continued growth and new initiatives over the summer ahead. We covered them all with the same enthusiasm we put into every issue of our publications. Business View is proud to continue with our sector- focus series profiling leading school districts across North America. Education remains the cornerstone to future success and with a new economy comes a shift in curriculum for many school districts across the US and Canada. Prioritizing technology training and focusing on work and co-op experiences for their students, school districts are successfully pivoting to meet the needs of jobs and careers of the future. We sat down with school officials from Peel District School Board, Fenton Area Public Schools, Lanier County School District, Klamath County Schools to Kearney Public Schools to discuss core values, career readiness, and educational initiatives that are setting our students up for success. A sunny June forecast is also predicted for the municipalities we covered for our June issue. We sat down with city officials from Buffalo, Minnesota, Edwardsburgh/ Cardinal, Ontario, Great Bend, Kansas, to Tamaqua, Pennsylvania among other fast-growing municipalities. Commercial growth coupled with residential growth has propelled these municipalities into representing some of the fastest- growing regions across North America as they continue to implement core infrastructure initiatives for their residents. Company profiles also filled the pages of our June issue as we went the extra mile to highlight winning strategies as these organizations adapt to a more favorable economic climate. We bring you features with Brookens Construction, Claffey Pools, Fortis Corporation, and Fortis Design Build among other top-tier organizations covering a cross-section of business sectors. As we continue to bring you the very best sector and industry-focused features, we hope that you have a little extra time to get outside to read them and welcome the warm spring weather at your doorstep. Karen Surca Editor in Chief Dear Readers, 2 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 06