Business View Magazine June 2023

77 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 TAMPA CONVENT ION CENTER place to stay, and without those hotel rooms, it’s pretty difficult.” Looking to the future Ingram says “I want to look at continuing the momentum that we’ve had and not resting on our laurels. I want to move into 2024 and 2025 and make sure that we have our calendar booked and we have everybody ready to go.” He also plans to consider the possibilities of making the destination more attractive in terms of space, whether through expansion or repurposing. “It’s about making sure that we’re always on the cutting edge and moving forward. One of the beautiful things about this city is it never stands still, and it’s always moving forward,” he emphasizes. Highlighting the need for more hotel rooms, Corrada sees his role as increasing demand, which will in turn increase supply. He concludes, “As we are seeing what is happening at the convention center, with some repurposing, some expansion, and maybe some future expansion, we’re also addressing that with the hotel community, making sure that we continue to drive demand here so that it continues to push private investment, with a return on that investment. We want to grow in a very smart way, and I think, working collectively, as we have in the past year, we can continue to grow in the right way.”