Business View Magazine June 2023

60 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 3 They’re also hoping to do some infrastructure upgrades for things like HVAC, which haven’t been updated since the early 2000s. “We’re creating opportunities to provide better, more efficient service for those clients that have multi-meal events. We’re upscaling our dining options,” Wallace says. With the pandemic now largely in the rearview, clients are moving away from virtual events and are ready to come back to in-person meetings. That’s come with its own set of challenges, Wallace says. The event center had to refocus its efforts to help groups and event planners ease the transition back to live events. “We’ve seen challenges with some of our recurring annual events that are still trying to figure out how to bring their events back in a similar capacity,” he explains. “We’ve been having discussions with those clients about what things could look like as far as a soft launch. Some have brought things back full steam as if there was