Business View Magazine June 2023
199 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 5 segments: Administration & Finance; Planning, Construction & Environment; Operations & Maintenance; Communications & Marketing; and Safety & Security. The candidate must pass each of the segments with a minimum grade of 60%. The exam has a 3-hour time limit. Stage 2 (Writing Requirement) provides the candidate with multiple options to complete the written requirement, with the candidate’s topic requiring approval by the Board of Examiners, and then graded by three Accredited Members. The options are: a management research paper which must be 20 to 30 pages on a topic broadly applicable to airport management proposing a set of guidelines to manage a problem or set forth an argument for implementing or using a methodology; a case study of 20 to 30 pages to recount/analyze the steps or measures taken by a specific airport or airport system in implementing a project or managing a problem; a presentation requires the preparation and presentation of a topic at FOAM or another recognized industry conference and it must be 20 to 30 minutes including handouts, outline and PowerPoint slides; a proctored essay, the candidate will need to respond to two industry- related questions within a four-hour time limit via an on-line proctored essay system. There is a bank of questions available to the candidate to choose from at the start of the Essay. Stage 3 (Interview) has all candidates required to complete an oral interview by a panel of at least 3 members of the Board of Examiners. The format of the interview is similar to a high-level job interview and will determine the candidate’s overall knowledge of airport management. The average length of the final interview is two hours. If the candidate is successful in the interview, they are bestowed with the Accredited Airport Executive or Accredited Airport Professional designation. As a member driven organization, IAAE Canada relies on a strong aviation industry to survive. As with everything, there is a cost with training and accreditation, so healthy airports provide for a healthy IAAE Canada membership. INTERNAT IONAL ASSOCIAT ION OF AI RPORT E XECUT IVES CANADA
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