Business View Magazine June 2023

197 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 INTERNAT IONAL ASSOCIAT ION OF AI RPORT E XECUT IVES CANADA of Airport Executives and is similar to the American Association of Airport Executives. Since 1994, IAAE Canada has grown to serve the management and operations staff at over 300 airports across Canada. IAAEC delivers a wide range of industry services and professional development opportunities including training, conferences, and the highly respected accreditation program. IAAE Canada assists airport executives in fulfilling their responsibilities to the airports and communities they serve through personal and professional development and training. IAAEC professional development programs fill the void created by Transport Canada divesting of airports and speaks to the challenges of managing small, medium, and large airports in Canada. IAAE Canada holds an annual conference called FOAM (Facility, Operations & Airport Managers Conference). This two-and-a-half-day event brings together airport professionals from across Canada to participate in the conference, trade show, and networking. The conference has a different theme each year and provides a number of different sessions each day on industry updates, current topics of interest in the industry, and opportunities for improvement such as moving to a green operating environment. Along with the sessions is a trade show that allows corporate members to promote their goods and services to the members to assist them in the operation of their airport. The conference rotates throughout the country and generally allows for a tour of the host airport to take place.