Business View Magazine June 2023

182 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 School principals also act as community liaisons, hosting community forums where constituents are encouraged to offer feedback about where the schools are succeeding, and where improvement is needed. This communication is a priority for East Porter, because, as he adds, “A lot of times, schools do a great job of communicating out, but that two-way communication doesn’t always happen.” Providing students with up-to-date opportunities is key to future success, and East Porter Schools is committed to ensuring students are equipped. Jess Niebel, Principal at Morgan Township Elementary School, shares how the community came together to bring STEM to a school that lacked the resources to fully engage children, and prepare them for middle school and high school. Dr. Case says, “Our parent organization, of which we have roughly 30 to 40 active members, came together and took on the charge of raising funds to be able to build a STEM lab in our building. That’s a big monetary hit for a school, but when we can go to a community that invests in us and ask for their support, that was a huge benefit