Business View Magazine June 2023

181 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 EAST PORTER COUNT Y SCHOOL CORPORAT ION Despite operating as separate campuses, the East Porter County School Corporation functions as a unified entity. The district’s administrators, teachers, and staff work collaboratively to achieve common goals and advance education within the community. Describing the balance between working together for a common objective, while still maintaining the unique characteristics of each campus, District Superintendent Dr. Aaron Case offers an analogy, “We are like a gallon of Neapolitan ice cream. Together, we are trying to accomplish the same goal and move forward. However, each of the campuses maintains its individual flavor.” As a rural district, East Porter schools are a hub for community activities, many of which begin before children even reach school age. Dr. Case elaborates, “We have the town park at our schools because, in Washington Township, and Morgan Township, there’s not a city inside of those townships. We partner with the townships, the trustees, and we have the Little League fields, the soccer fields, all on our school campuses, that we maintain.”