Business View Magazine June 2023

176 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 but Valparaiso students are raising the bar as they continue to succeed. In terms of when Valparaiso students are introduced to this technology, El-Naggar points out, “Our STEM program starts in the elementary grades. So, our ninth grade students have a baseline familiarity with engineering. They have been doing it for six years. At all levels, we’re supported and encouraged to keep innovating for our students.” Adding her own thoughts Corral continues, “The freedom of students learning their own pathway, and also educators being able to create the curriculum and really visualize what it is that kids can do within the classroom and beyond. So, when you have both of those entities, educators and administrators along with students and families having the freedom to explore and pursue these pathways, the outcomes are set up for success.” Starting in 2015, the Valparaiso Community Schools community has invested over $150 million in upgrades to all school buildings, as well as the construction of a brand new elementary school. This initiative included the addition of secure entryways, the upgrading of HVAC systems, and enhanced safety features. The project spanned eight years, with the final phase being completed this year. Regarding the district’s investment in technology, much of it was made possible through the Challenge Education Grant provided by the redevelopment commission. Superintendent McCall emphasizes that along with the funding, “The key ingredient is the people. What makes this special are the people that we have, who work with our kids, and are able to leverage and maximize the facilities, the equipment, the infrastructure.” The city administration, including the mayor’s office and the city council, have been supportive partners, along with the Greater Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce, and the local businesses that provide opportunities for students to exhibit their work. In addition, Corral mentions the impressive funding that the district receives in support of