Business View Magazine June 2023

174 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 She recounts, “Businesses are opening their doors for us to have artwork on display. It is a visual art, but we’ve also showcased theater, film, and STEM has been on display as well. We love the connection with the businesses opening their doors for us and the city encouraging us to have this platform. It brings together this beautiful bridge of student passions and our community.” Acknowledging the effort required to organize such a complex festival with many different components, she says that the end result justifies the hard work, especially for the positive impact it has on the students and the enjoyment it brings to the community. Engineering, Technology, and STEM Department Chair, Tarik El-Naggar notes that the programming offered through Valparaiso Community Schools is unique in the Midwest. As a former Professor at the University of Michigan, El-Naggar took this role with the district 9 years ago and has been a part of its transition. “What a fantastic