Business View Magazine June 2023

171 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 The district is made up of 6,400 students and close to 900 employees including over 400 teachers. “But those are just numbers,” maintains Superintendent, Dr. Jim McCall. “Valparaiso Community Schools is truly a reflection of the greater Valparaiso community. Although we are a comprehensive core curriculum setting, we have many offshoots for students to engage, and find out what they enjoy, what they’re passionate about, and what they might want to pursue, both as a career and as an avenue to give back to the community. Valparaiso is built upon those values of having high expectations, working hard to achieve them by being a part of something bigger than yourself, and having the responsibility to give of yourself to make it better because you enjoy the fruits of the community supporting you.” As a K-12 district, Valparaiso has eight elementary schools, two middle schools, one high school, and an alternative school. In a trend that is becoming more popular throughout North America, students VALPARAISO DISTRICT SCHOOLS W e A re V Alpo ! P r o u d P a r t n e r s