Business View Magazine June 2023

168 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 to recruit families who wish to enroll their students. We discuss their Business Plan to prepare for a successful grand opening, and ultimately how to deliver our quality service to students while making a profit” says Ellwood. New owners are taught how to build strong relationships in the community with educators, business leaders and parents. Lesson planning and case studies of students, along with how to use proprietary technology, are incorporated into all training. The training department works closely with every new franchisee for an entire year. Once a franchisee has solid operations in place, a special operations team provides ongoing support whenever needed for the remainder of their years in business. During the pandemic, JEI Learning Center decided to slow down expanding their network of franchises and focus on providing additional support to franchisees who needed assistance during uncertain times. JEI Learning Center is currently focusing on unit growth and market expansion. Higher enrollments created by Covid, coupled with strong ongoing demand, shows the ‘education sector’, and JEI in particular, a great opportunity for prospective franchisees. JEI has been operating successfully for nearly half a century in over 500 centers worldwide, utilizing an exceptional educational method that works well for all students at all levels.