Business View Magazine | July 2019
385 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE JULY 2019 ORGANI ZAT ION OF CANADI AN NUCLEAR INDUSTR I ES life of four units at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station and six units at Bruce Nuclear Generating Station. We also have been active in international markets. I’ve led 15 trade missions over the last six years because we always have to recognize that, when these projects in Ontario are largely underway and all the contracts are let, we also need to think about opportunities beyond our borders to keep our industry vibrant and the order books full. But in the last couple years, getting the Bruce and Darlington projects off to a good start has caused us to focus more of our efforts domestically and a little less internationally.” BVM: How does OCNI benefit member companies? Oberth: “Our mission evolved into several areas. One of them is to help our member companies, particularly smaller ones, to interface with big domestic customers: OPG, Bruce Power, to a lesser degree, New Brunswick Power because they only have one nuclear reactor in that province, and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories. We do that through Supplier Days - a trade show we put on at the customers’ sites, where member companies display their products and services and meet with potential and existing customers from our domestic utilities. “We also help our members stay abreast of changes in regulations and standards, and assist with issues such as ensuring there are enough skilled tradespeople for manufacturers and installers of equipment. We call that Capacity Building – helping members to be competent and have the skillsets needed to be good suppliers. The third thing is to take our companies along on trade missions to other countries. We have funding pictured below OCNI-OPG Pickering Suppliers Day, June 13th, 2019
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