Business View Magazine - July 2024

to grow steadily.” Wehse also highlights the crucial role of their sales representative, AJ, from Super Products.“AJ has been fantastic in informing us about the latest equipment trends and availability,” she says.“We’ve standardized our fleet with Super Products Mud Dog hydrovac trucks. This standardization helps us manage our parts and equipment more efficiently.” The decision to stick with the Mud Dog trucks has been strategic. “We started with Mud Dog and have continued with it because it allows us to standardize our parts and equipment needs,” Wehse explains. This consistency streamlines maintenance and ensures that the team is familiar with the equipment, enhancing operational efficiency and reliability. PRIORITIES FOR THE FUTURE As Wisconsin Utility Exposure looks to the future, maintaining its high standards of service and operational efficiency is paramount. The company’s leadership remains focused on ensuring customer satisfaction and safetywhile navigating the industry’s ever-changing demands. “The main priority for the next 18 months is working smart, working safe, and keeping our customers satisfied 24/7,”Wehse states.“We’re available around the clock. The owners answer the phone all night if needed. Just last night, a storm rolled through, and we were able to respond to calls and dispatch our teams quickly.” Consistency in service delivery is essential for the company as it moves forward. “Consistency will be key as we continue to grow and adapt,” Wehse emphasizes. We want our customers to know they can reach us anytime and be confident in our quick turnaround times and reliable services.” This commitment to customer satisfaction and operational excellence will guide Wisconsin Utility Exposure through the upcoming months, ensuring it remains a trusted partner in the industry. By focusing on smart, safe practices and maintaining its readiness to respond to any situation, the company is well-positioned to continue its success and growth into the future. 42 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07