Business View Magazine - July 2024

DART TRANSIT MPANYDRIVES HE TRANSPORT AGENDA The transport and logistics sector is competitive by nature. With so many companies vying for contracts, the ability to stand out from the competition comes down to putting the customer first. For Dart Transit Company, a family-owned freight logistics company, the road is smooth sailing as clients remain loyal and Endant modias magnia non ea quaeperum audistore consequo odis et fugitib usandit harunt. Ferum volorer ioreruntur, nobit ellorit esecturi accum, ut arum, nonsernatur, erro ipsumqui neste arum dolores ciunduntium volum volorep tatquiasse num verfern atistis volupis ellacea Di ut oditati ntibeaquatio maxime nullit lab inus mil iur sapictiumque nectaque minti omnisto mos est, core iliquam quis excesse DART TRANSIT COMPANY Midwest Industrial Supply, a pivotal player in northern Canada’s aviation infr structure, specializ s in maintaini g and enha ci g npaved gravel runways essential to remote communities. These runways serve as the lifelines for over 90,000 medevac flights annually and ens re the delivery of crucial supplies a d services to communities supporting r idents’ day-to-day lives in these isolated areas. E FUTUREOF ADA’SAVIATION E Leaders in cuttingedge technology and collaborative solutions to support remote Canadian communities. 136 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07