Business View Magazine - July 2023

58 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 7 that’s going to be in a worse position than you to find labor at any price. However, I think this is true for now as the past few years have seen an overstimulated economy but I foresee a market adjustment on this shortly, “ he maintains. “At some point, you have to rely on people being smart enough to understand that maybe the offer they are getting is too good to be true. It might be just for a few months, as opposed to here, where you are going to have stable and steady work. It’s going to be more beneficial for you to stay with a stable company in your career. It’s a fine line, and no business is immune from it.” The possibility of sponsoring immigrants who will come to Canada and work in the industry is also on the table, as a means of providing an opportunity, and maintaining a strong workforce, while continuing to grow the company. Brault Roofing takes pride in the accomplishments they have achieved and the growth they have experienced over the years. “We’re really proud of what we’ve done. That’s what gets us up in the morning and drives us. Obviously, enough can’t be said about our great team of managers we have across the country that shares our vision of becoming the preferred national roofer across Canada” Tahmazian relays. As for what comes next, he remarks, “I think it’s going to be another year of exponential growth. What we want to do right now is grow all of these locations, ideally, to what we are here at the head office. Last year was the first year where the rest of the country was bigger than Quebec, which is the core and kind of the mothership of the business. So that just goes to show you how much our presence has expanded throughout the country. We are also working on a few projects in the USA as well as Europe but these are still at the preliminary stages of our business plan. We’re having fun, we’re very passionate about the business, and we want to keep going.” PROUD VENDOR/PARTNER n Peridot Supply n Polyglass Inc.