Business View Magazine - July 2023

52 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 7 Tahmazian admits that there are those who have questioned the rate at which the company has grown, suggesting they are moving too fast. He acknowledges, “They don’t understand that there’s a lot of work that happens in the back end before the final announcements are made. The key is finding the right person, someone who is going to be able to operate in that province, and who is going to fit with the corporate and family values. Sometimes finding the perfect fit is about reaching out, and other times it is about timing and luck. “So it didn’t all happen overnight, it happened over a few years of hard work and perseverance. When we look at a market, we dig into it and, scope it out to see if it is worth entering but, more importantly, we try to find the right person to connect with that will help us operate in that local market with his/her existing network as well,” he conveys. Finding the right person and fit is related to operations but there is also a financial aspect to this calculated expansion plan. I come from a financial background and I always say the S Tahmazian M Brault