Business View Magazine - July 2023

267 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 7 ROGUE VALLEY INTERNAT IONAL-MEDFORD AI RPORT of the country and used to fight wildfires. “Plans are underway to develop the northwest corner of the airfield where we have room to expand for general aviation as well as an education center,” Doil states. “This is definitely still in the works” says Judd, “and is much-needed to train pilots, mechanics, Emergency Air ambulance personnel, and EMTs right here at our airport. We are excited to get that going.” “There is also a possibility of a flight school as we do have a lot of colleges in the area, as well as private flight schools that are interested as well,” Doil continues. Expanding on the emergency services flights affiliated with the airport Judd explains that “Mercy Flights is based here at the airport and they operate both air and ground emergency services.” Between aircraft used for fire-fighting, emergency medical flights, and rescue, Judd highlights that the Airport serves as a first-rate hub to carry out these extremely important functions. MFR is also home to Erickson, Inc. Located on the airfield, they are an original equipment manufacturer of air cranes, and operate their aircraft around the world. Commercial and tourist links to the airport taking flight It isn’t only emergency medical and commercial flights that give lifeblood to the airport, so too do the lands around the airport that are ripe for leasing and carry with them prime commercial opportunities for not only the airport but the city of Medford and surrounding areas. “There is a lot of available property around the airport for lease. We have a hotel, a Hilton brand Home2 Suites, going in that will be located a short walk from the terminal,” Judd enthuses. “This should be under construction by next spring. Serving as a gateway to the city of Medford and the surrounding area, the airport takes tourism potential very seriously among its list of pressing priorities. “We work closely with Travel Medford and the Medford Chamber of Commerce as well as an economic development organization called SOREDI,” Doil specifies. “The goal is to attract businesses to Southern Oregon. We are looking at several initiatives to bring people into the Rogue Valley,” Doil explains.