Business View Magazine - July 2023

136 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 7 otel management is an increasingly challenging field for owners and operators, especially post-pandemic. While vacation and consumer travel are largely coming back, much of the pre- 2020 business travel hasn’t, leading to profitability challenges for some hotels. That’s where WNW Hospitality Management comes in. The Woodbury, NY-based firm is a full-service hotel management company, often purchasing distressed hotels or locations struggling with customers, profitability, renovations, and more. The firm partners with hotel owners and operators to develop a strategy for success. WNW Hospitality is owned by CEO Jonathan Reiss and President and Managing Partner Bob Jaeger, who purchased the business in 2014 from previous owners. Following a brand update and some changes in scope, WNW Hospitality started with two hotels in New York. It currently manages 24 hotels in 14 states, with 11 full-time employees at its headquarters. The company earned $58 million in revenue in 2022 and Jaeger expects more than $60 million in revenue this year. Both Reiss and Jaeger “grew up” in the hotel sector and combined, offer roughly 80 years of industry experience. They are particularly familiar with the Best Western brand of hotels and became the first hotel management firm endorsed by Best Western in 2014. Both owners also serve as regional governors for the company. Says Jaeger, “We’re fluent in (best Western’s) culture and how to get things done. H ROVIDING TOP-TIER SPITALITY OPTIONS SPI TALI T Y MANAGEMENT spitality Management helps ls resolve revenue, staffing, and profitability challenges