Business View Magazine - January 2024

quality and vision helps C&M maintain its positive brand in Western Wisconsin. The company works with contractors who have also built sustainable businesses over the years to provide an array of services. C&M employs a staff of professionals who specialize in painting, and frame and trim work, but contract many other services out to a trusted group of experts. One of the goals for C&M is to expand its commercial business, Filipczak notes. More neighborhoods in to,” Filipczak says. “The health of our industry is at stake.” EVEN WITH FAMILY CHANGES THE FOCUS ON BUSINESS REMAINS Filipczak admits that running a business with a spouse or close family member can be difficult. He and his former wife,Molly built the company together, each owning a 50 percent ownership share. As the two built the business and their family, Filipczak admits there were challenging times that eventually led to the two divorcing four years ago. However, both are still partners in the business today and Cody says they remain “best friends,” adding that the divorce was for the best. They enjoy working together and with their team members to provide exemplary service.While Filipczak is not as involved in individual projects as he used to be, he and Molly together oversee the business and represent the C&M Home Builders brand. “I’m proud of the fact that we still work so closely and so well together,” Filipczak says. PARTNERS SUPPORT THE VISION OF GROWTH Having partners that mirror the emphasis on customer 47 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 01 C&M HOME BUI LDERS