Business View Magazine - January 2024

small parts that we may need are caught up through the supply chain. We have to wait days, sometimes weeks, to get parts that we used to be able to get the same day or even the next day. But it’s getting better.” As for workforce challenges, he maintains, “I can honestly say that we are pretty good on manpower. We’re probably only down 1 mechanic at this point, compared to some systems that are out there. My cohorts that I talk to, they’re hurting.We haven’t had as many problems there. For Alabama, our wages wise, sterilization-wise, washing hands, and just making sure that if we feel under the weather we just stay home so that we won’t infect anyone else.” Montgomery Transit also felt the impact of supply chain shortages which have been experienced by the transit industry across the board. In terms of new bus production, Tensley says,“It’s taking a lot longer. We had new buses that we had just brought in, and those buses sat for months waiting for some parts to come in due to the supply chain issues. Even now, 234 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 01