Business View Magazine - January 2024

we have a lot of hotels, different museums and attractions. The mayor pushed for the first zone to start there, and to the airport, which has gotten great success because we get a lot of the airline employees that come in. At $1.50 per trip, you really can’t beat that, to go from the airport downtown to any hotel that you’re staying at, and vice versa.” He notes that most rides comfortably accommodate up to nine passengers, and the majority of trips span less than ten minutes, exemplifying the service’s prompt and convenient nature. Strategic advertising efforts target key locations, such as the airport and downtown museums and hotels, amplifying awareness about the new endeavor. “This is only our pilot zone,” adds Tensley. “We’re in talks right now to increase this zone and we’re going to add two more other zones which will serve the community and possibly go curb to curb. So, it’s about to explode by next year.” 232 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 01