Business View Magazine - January 2024

With roots that trace back to the late 18th century, Montgomery Transit is a key resource for the city of Montgomery, Alabama, and has been evolving to meet the challenges of the modern era. Owned by the city of Montgomery and operated by First Transit, the Montgomery Transit of today operates three key services: fixed route, paratransit, and the recently launched micro transit. The fixed route service, with 14 routes and 25 buses, forms the backbone of Montgomery Transit, ensuring daily connectivity from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday through Saturday. The paratransit service caters to the disabled community, offering reservation-based rides during similar hours. The innovative micro-transit service, introduced in September, serves as a point-to-point, reservation- based system operating in the downtown area and the airport corridor, with plans for future expansion. Samuel Tensley, GM and CEO of Montgomery Transit shares, “We’re using the downtown area where 231 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 01 MONTGOMERY TRANSI T