Business View Magazine - January 2024

by broadening its service offerings to include more time slots, including weekends and evening hours. This enhancement in service is strategically designed to cater to a broader spectrum of travel needs and schedules, rendering public transit a more convenient and practical option for a larger population segment. Alongside these service expansions, there is a focus on improving physical infrastructure and passenger amenities. Upgrades to bus shelters are in the pipeline to provide passengers with a more comfortable and secure waiting experience. Implementing real-time arrival information systems is another piece of this plan, offering passengers timely and accurate updates about passenger travel, reducing uncertainty, and making travel planning more efficient. Metro has embraced innovative strategies to capture the public’s attention and reshape awareness about public transportation. Their marketing efforts are not just about promoting the practical benefits of bus transit, such as saving on gas costs or reducing the stress of driving, but also about making the 226 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 01