Business View Magazine - January 2024

provides free bus services to kindergarten through 12th-grade students. Beyond simple transport, this program weaves public transit into young people’s daily lives, influencing long-term insights into public transportation. The success of this program is evident in its impressive figures: nearly 800,000 rides have been provided to students, with 52,000 rides in the last month alone, showcasing exponential growth. This reach extends into higher education, with pass programs offered to most local universities and colleges.These initiatives facilitate student mobility across all educational levels and firmly integrate public transit as a crucial element of academic life and broader community engagement. Charting its future route forward, Metro’s strategic vision, outlined in its ‘MetroNext’ plan, is a testament to its ambitious and forward-thinking approach. It plans on expanding its operational footprint, introducing new services, and improving existing ones, catering to the evolving needs of the city’s residents and elevating the overall transit experience 8712 West Dodge Road Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68114 • 402.392.1250 Since 1944, AKC Law has cultivated long-term partnerships with valued clients like the Regional Metropolitan Transit Authority of Omaha. We want to acknowledge Metro’s continuing leadership in environmental initiatives and technological innovation within the transit industry and extend our congratulations on its well-deserved recognition. Tim Kenny Julie Ryan C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Metro ad for magazine PDF.pdf 1 12/11/2023 11:14:48 AM 225 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 01 METRO TRANSI T OMAHA