Business View Magazine - January 2024

a decade is a notable feat. Cencic emphasizes, “A single ride is a dollar and a quarter, which is something that we are very proud of, that we’re able to offer such great service for that price.” Underlining the organization’s dedication to providing services without imposing the financial burden on its riders, Metro took a new approach to fare management: a monthly fare capping program. THE COST OF KEEPING OMAHA MOVING Metro offers a monthly pass For $55. It’s a long- standing option that provides savings to frequent riders, but Metro recognized the upfront cost was a barrier for many. Metro leveraged new technology to make these savings more accessible. With an account-based system utilizing smart cards and smartphones, the fare-capping program allows riders to accumulate travel costs incrementally. options isn’t just a change in hardware, it involves a comprehensive shift in operations, including the retraining of drivers to utilize electric buses effectively, especially in leveraging regenerative braking systems. The COVID-19 pandemic posed unforeseen challenges, mirroring the difficulties public transit systems encountered worldwide. Metro showcased remarkable resilience. The tough times aren’t over yet, but the agency is steering through the worst of it with steadily increasing ridership. This October, the agency recorded more than 313,000 rides, which marked the highest month of ridership since before the pandemic. Metro expects to record a more than 10% increase in ridership in 2023 over 2022. Central to Metro’s overall success has been its commitment to maintaining affordability and accessibility in its transit services, even post- pandemic. While operational costs continue to increase, the decision to keep fares stable for over 222 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 01