Business View Magazine l January 2023

224 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 rich history, a strong military presence, and tons of opportunities to partake in tourism and cultural events. Some of our major tourist attractions include Busch Gardens, Historic Jamestown Settlement, Yorktown Beach, and of course, Colonial Williamsburg.” Iyanla describes the relationship between WATA and the communities it supports as collaborative in nature. “We essentially connect the whole area, and we really take pride in being a member of each community here. Partnerships with each of our localities are fantastic. They do a great job communicating with us on planning processes, upcoming projects, and developments, changes in strategic plans, etc. They help to keep us informed of the needs of the area, and we’re able to plan transit services accordingly.” There are many projects in the pipeline, not only for WATA itself but within each of the region’s localities. Ben explains, “It’s certainly an exciting time in terms of growth around here. We are seeing new developments pop up constantly. James City County has a large project in the works for Route 60, which is the Pocahontas Trail corridor, and we will be working with them to bring bus bays and shelters to that stretch of roadway. We’re really excited about that project. It’s still a couple of years off, but it certainly, is something that is going to be noticed here in the community.