Business View Magazine l January 2023

132 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 buying process and reduce their origination fee. We saved people considerable amounts of money by just signing a subsequent action form and lowering the rates for them,” she says. Something else that sets Aspire Credit Union apart is the way it works with other institutions in the community, often to the advantage of members. Aspire partnered with the Bank of North Dakota during the 2011 flood to offer 1% loans for people in the community. “What we received back was half a percent interest. So, these certainly were not money-making. It was truly to help the community and the Bank of North Dakota backed those loans wholeheartedly.” With less than 25 employees, Aspire Credit Union is a leader when it comes to serving the community, putting in over 330 volunteer hours in 2021. “Last October, we had a speaker come in and talk to us, and she remarked how phenomenal it is for the small staff that we have, and the amount of community involvement that we do,” boasts Kohlman. Volunteering is encouraged and supported by the management team providing all employees opportunities to give back. This volunteer effort includes participation in organizations that feed people, like Meals on Wheels, and Backpack Buddies, as well as assisting local nonprofits with coordinated drives, outreach, and awareness activities. The credit union has participated in initiatives like providing monetary funds for bus passes intended for local students who could not afford one, raking leaves at the local zoo, and collecting items for a variety of drives including diapers, toiletries, food and clothing. The professional clothing drive, in partnership with Project BEE, was a huge success, with donations in the hundreds dropped at the institution. Rianne Kuhn Marketing Communications Coordinator relays, “It was truly unexpected and A few years ago, when mortgage rates were dropping Aspire again acted in the best interest of their members, lowering rates to prevent people from looking elsewhere. This quick action kept business from leaving the institution, and also saved both time and money for members.”