Business View Magazine l January 2023

104 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 communities and have even fought to add underserved and rural areas to their field of membership to be able to provide financial services to those who need it most. “The result of big bank closures undermines consumer financial equity and stunts small business growth,” Berger notes. Meanwhile, credit unions continue to support their communities in many ways. Thanks to their unique, prudent business model of service to their members, they are the best choice for Main Street small businesses. While the coronavirus pandemic tested the nation in many ways, small businesses fought tooth and nail to stay afloat. Credit unions – even those that did not previously offer small business lending – immediately stepped up and went to work on Main Street to deliver financial lifelines to those struggling to make ends meet. Credit unions were, and continue to be, instrumental in helping these small businesses recover. “It is clear credit unions exert a positive economic influence that helps all consumers, spurs economic growth, and generates federal tax revenue. And our job at NAFCU is to ensure a legislative and regulatory environment that promotes viability and growth for credit unions,” Berger explains. NAFCU was created in 1967 by a group of credit union CEOs who recognized the need for an association that represents all federally-insured credit unions in Washington, D.C. Since then, with the help of its member credit unions, NAFCU has become the leading credit union advocate with lawmakers, regulators and the Administration. Over the fifty-five years since NAFCU was founded, the association has continued to build on this strong foundation by remaining steadfast in its beliefs and focus.NAFCU’s mission has remained unchanged: To fiercely advocate on Capitol Hill, at the White House, and with regulators,offer award-winning legal compliance assistance, and curate top-rated educational opportunities—all while providing extreme