Business View Magazine | January 2021

233 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE JANUARY 2021 A proud partner to the Allen County Airport and all airports across Ohio. INSTALLING AIRFIELD LIGHTING FOR OVER 50 YEARS Technical expertise in airfield lighting for new construction, upgrades, and repairs. Jess Howard Electric Company 6630 Taylor Road, Blacklick, OH 43004 (614) 861-1300 24 hour emergency service S T A T E O F O H I O L I C E N S E N O : 1 8 3 9 0 ALLEN COUNTY A I RPORT fuel is becoming more and more common as time goes on. We also take fuel quality control very seriously, so serious that we started to practice ATA 103 Fuel Safety Standards for Jet fuels. These are the same safety protocols the airline industry uses to maintain fuel quality at the larger regional /towered airports across the country. We found that we had the necessary tools to do so & our investment was minimal. The satisfaction, pride, and increased safety margins that our pilots and passengers would expect go hand in hand. We are branded by EPIC Fuels and they perform yearly audits and go over all our fueling equipment with us. We are due for a new fuel farm in 2032 and we are doing everything we can to preserve our existing fuel farm. We recently added a new touchscreen fuel monitoring station (Omntec Proteus), installed by Advance Fuel Systems, that checks for leaks, water intrusion, has over fill & under fill shutoff protection, and shows real time fuel volume levels. It’s very nice! We are also proud to have new LED PAPI Lights installed by J. Ranck Electric on the left side of runway 28. The new LED system is very easy to adjust as time and conditions change. Setting the slope angle aircraft rely on for primary guidance to the runway surface is critical, but now made much easier with our new system. The project was completed quickly and on time! Regarding safety, it’s a very new and welcomed system. So far, it’s been a big hit with new arrivals. They love the brighter LED lights. We were hoping to have part of our Apron milled and filled for the 2020 year, but winter temps made it impossible. The project was pushed back until spring of 2021. Bluffton Paving will be spearheading the endeavor, while our engineers and consultants for the project, BF&S, monitor onsite. We are hoping our entire apron will be eligible for a mill and fill. Three years ago, a contractor applied the wrong seal coating to our existing pavement. It was a nightmare at first and it’s still a mess. We must literally watch our step and constantly monitor pilots and passengers alike. Any fuel spills, drips, or the alike cause the existing apron to dissolve into a “Hershey Syrup” type of mess. We learned a lot about pavement that year.