Business View Magazine Jan-2019

173 occur.When you provide enough density in those areas, you provide for commercial flexibility; busi- nesses then want to move there because they see that the population density will support their busi- nesses. If we can move the population density from our rural areas into our town centers, I think we’ll achieve so many of our goals.We’re big on preserva- tion; but we’re also big on creating a flexible, com- mercial tax base within the town centers and we’re going to continue in that direction.” Economic development is largely the respon- sibility of Kelly Slagle, the county’s Economic De- velopment Director,who says that it’s a constant balancing act between promoting appropriate development while preserving the county’s envi- ronmental assets and its rural personality.“We try POWERED BY COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN MARYLAND EXPERTS IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPING YOUR BUS INESS ' NEEDS : • I nnovat i ve l eader s h i p and profes s i ona l deve l opment cou r ses • I T and cyber secu r i t y t ra i n i ng and cer t i f i cat i on • S k i l l s t ra i n i ng for hea l thca re, bu s i nes s , t rades , and t ran spor tat i on • D i ver se l ea r n i ng format s and content to f i t you r bu s i nes s needs You r strateg i c pa r tne r to i denti f y and de l ive r fl ex i b l e and i nnovative emp l oyee tra i n i ng so l uti on s . WORK FORCE .C SMD. E DU For more i n forma t i on, e -ma i l Bus i nes s So l u t i ons