
124 125 TARGETED PET TREATS TARGETED PETTREATS CUSTOMIZED PET PRODUCTS T argeted Pet Treats (TPT) of Warren,Pennsylvania,is an industry leader in the innovation and manufacturing of injectionmolded pet dental treats, and long-lasting chews.“Targetedwas founded in 2000,”says companyPresident,GregoryAustin,who, after a ten-year career in the pet food sector,tookover the reins of TPT in January2017. Austin states that, “Prior to pet treats,the co-founders were in the plastic injectionmolding business,with a companycalled Moldsmiths.Theyhad the idea of using those same plasticmolding presses,but processing food ingre- dients instead of plastics andmolding them into any shape desired.” “The Co-founders knewthe technology-theyknew howthe injection molding process and presses worked,but theydid not have anypet contacts for distribution,”Austin continues.“So,theycontacted a local pet food com- panycalledDad’s Pet Care at the time,since renamed Ainsworth Pet Nutrition.Ainsworth thought their idea was great and purchased 55 percent of the company, puttingMoldsmiths in the pet food business.From 2000 to 2005,the pet plant operatedwithin the plas- tics company.Theyhad a couple of presses designated