articles in our MCX. We do it through sessions at our conferences, we do it through webinars. We do it through our podcast because people learn in different ways.” This multi-channel approach helps ensure that members can access crucial information about technological advancements in formats that best suit their learning preferences. The association’s approach to technology adoption reflects a broader philosophy about organizational effectiveness.This perspective aligns with Rutledge’s management insight: “I got some very good advice from my dad about the importance of listening and waiting.” She references author Margaret Wheatley’s concept about “the importance of tolerating chaos for the sake of the pattern that will emerge,” applying this principle to both technological advancement and organizational development. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AND FUTURE DIRECTION Workforce development remains a persistent challenge across the construction management industry, with CMAA taking a collaborative approach to addressing this longstanding issue.“Probably every association in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) industry is talking about workforce -- needing more of it -- and that is a constant that hasn’t changed in the 42 years that CMAA has been around,” Rutledge says. CMAA has forged strategic partnerships to tackle workforce challenges, particularly in post-secondary education.The association maintains strong ties with the Associated Schools of Construction, advancing relationships with institutions offering construction 27 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 12, ISSUE 02 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (CMAA)