Business View Magazine - Feb 2024

For any of these projects, whether it represents a renovation or the design of a house from the ground up, Volkmann enjoys sitting down with his clients and getting to the core of what their vision may be. “I can get as deep as they want to get as far as building science or what products work best with a heating system, for example, and some of these meetings will go on for as long as two to three hours.” “I let them ask as many questions as they want and I want them to be educated,” Volkmann elaborates. If there is one point that Volkmann stresses beyond the importance of the relationship side of the business, it is the need to have a streamlined and reliable design and construction process. He is confident that North Twin’s approach is foolproof. “We have an in-house draftsman and that saves the homeowner a lot of money because the draftsman builds the concept that I have on my spec sheet.” The spec sheet that Volkmann draws attention to is the crux of the design and construction process that has proven to be so successful for North Twin Builders. As Volkmann describes, it avoids questions being raised at the end of a project, or disagreements ensuing when everyone may not be on the same page. “We have developed a spec sheet that is color- coded. If there are any changes to the document 68 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 02