Business View Magazine - Feb 2024

team to ensure that they cannot be recreated elsewhere. Despite handling the bulk of things, True REST also partners with platforms like Boulevard, MindBody, and Salon Clouds to help support its promotional and marketing efforts on the back end. For phoning and communications, the brand also leverages top brands like TrueLark and Podium. Regarding regulation and compliance, the biggest partner to True REST operations is Universal Insurance, which works with the brand to help it maintain the General Spa categorization that keeps the insurance coverage for its franchisees at an affordable price point. A CULTURE OF FRANCHISEE EMPOWERMENT The journey of a True REST franchisee begins with meticulous onboarding and training guided by a comprehensive support system. Pre-onboarding involves a Franchise Disclosure Document that offers full transparency of revenue expectations. Following that is a nine-month timeline until the official opening. Within the first two months, True REST partners with Windsor Realty to vet potential locations thoroughly and ensure that the franchisee is going into a suitable and sustainable area. The franchise then plots out all 100+ steps of the process with a powerful cloud-based operations platform called Synuma. There, everything from budget restrictions to vendors can be discussed relative to a mutually visible timeline. During that timeline is a 12-week franchise site build, which is facilitated and planned with help from the franchisor development team, and a comprehensive set of architectural plans from a company called InterPlan. AFTER THAT IS POD INSTALLATION AND THEN A SOFT LAUNCH! Post-launch, ongoing support is also provided, as True REST has two operational support teams operating on Eastern Standard Time and Pacific Standard Time in addition to its pod technician and maintenance team. 158 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 02