Business View Magazine | Volume 9, Issue 2

159 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 2 events, and provide the community opportunities to promote their services. For example, we have a lot of vineyards around, so some wineries could do samplings. It is a blank canvas that we are exploring what we can do with. This area has become a sort of a destination stop for people, and the airport is more than just the gateway to the community, it is also the first impression or the last impression we make on someone. We need to make sure that when they have four hours of free time in our airport, we are going to keep them entertained, show off what is here, and maybe they will come back.” Summing up his insights into the importance of Lewiston-Nez Perce Airport, Isaacs concludes, “A lot is happening here at the airport, but it is still serving the community in the same ways it always has. Agricultural is still a big draw here, and we have a lot of people in this region that use the airport as a jump-off point for doing the agricultural aerial application – crop dusting. We also had an awful fire season this year and this became the staging area for many of the water bombers. We had to close a whole taxiway to park them. As for the future, I would love to see an expansion in our passenger service. I think we could have 100,000 passengers, if we had three or four destinations from here; two on the west coast, one on the east, and another flight south. There is no saying what might be possible!” LEWI STON-NEZ PERCE COUNTY A I RPORT