Business View Magazine | February 2021

211 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 2021 ZEAL CREDI T UNION an app on their phone, or how to do a transfer. “Members even came into the branch lobbies that were by appointment and brought their tablet,” says Kreinbring, “and we helped set it up for them. For folks that were concerned they couldn’t come into a location, we were able to walk through the processes by phone or in person. We even had some family members help each other. Everybody banded together and made it easier to help people transition to the technology.” Wallace adds, “We’ve tried to be really conscious about listening to our members and how to help them evolve with the new technology but at a pace that works best for them. A lot of our members have really bonded to our service representatives over time. So even if they’re using the new technologies, they still want to come in to see how everybody’s doing and talk about what’s new in their world and share their stories. Those member relationships are key and it’s why folks continue to come back.”