Business View Magazine | February 2019

CENTRIFUGES BUILT FOR HDD 1.855.571.6688 | KAYDENINDUSTRIES.COM 215 what I do, and what my team of engineers does, is to try and educate the owners on what is out there and how it applies to their projects.That’s been a big part of what we’ve been able to do this last year and it’s paying off.” Carlin believes that Laney’s competitive advantage lies in its proven ability to take on large, complex projects.“We’ve done a number of North American, record-setting projects–not just for length, but size, conditions, and elevation.And our in-house en- gineering team is a big advantage,” she avers.“We’re a small company, but that being said, our engineers can talk about the whole lifecycle of a project– what it will take to construct,what type of equip- ment,what kind of time frame. So, putting the right people in the room has given us a lot of success at figuring out these complex projects.” Recently, the company has made some major capi- tal investments in new equipment.“We’ve estab- lished a relationship with Herrenknecht,which is a company out of Germany that leads the HDD and micro-tunneling world as far as the technology is concerned,”Carlin relates.“We’ve invested in a sec- ond direct pipe spread,which will give us the most length that we can operate at one time. So,we can go out and do 10,000 feet with this technology, at once.The numbers say that we can do that; even though the record, right now, is 5,000,we have no reason to think we can’t get to 10,000.We’re also in the process of procuring three brand new,Her- renknecht maxi-rigs that are 500-750 thousand pounds each.That’s the amount of pipe weight that it can pull back at one time. So, you’re talking about tons and tons of pipe–the larger the rig the more actual pullback you can do at once. But also, during the drill operations, they offer more sophisticated steering capabilities and some elevated torque so you can go through harsher conditions.These are