In terms of catering to potential business aviation, projecting ahead, Fornwalt adds that he is looking into the potential of having a delivery site for UPS or FedEx. This type of facility would also speak to the airport’s capacity for economic development. “We hope we will be able to land their planes [UPS or FEDEX] and then just go right up to the building.” Although only at the conversational level, it is clear that the airport has the land available and the desire to ramp up commercial/business activity on the airport grounds. LOOKING DOWN THE FUTURE RUNWAY When asked what the next little while holds for the airport, Fornwalt is quick to answer. “Hopefully we can start in fiscal year 2026, which would be October of next year (FAA fiscal year 2026) construction of the new terminal. So hopefully it will then be completely down with both the parking lot 241 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 12 LIBERAL MID-AMERICA REGIONAL AIRPORT