Business View Magazine - December 2024

considerable amount of vacant land. This potential for business growth around and on the airport grounds is a key focus and potential game changer of the airport, Fornwalt acknowledges. “We are looking at any type right up next to the airfield. We are not selling that unless, however, it would be beneficial for the airport.” “So, we are just trying to see [how things go]. We don’t have interest yet for that [land right up next to the airfield], but if anybody wants to buy land that is vacant elsewhere we are trying to sell that so we can get rid of some of this vacant land.” The airport works with its economic partners including Seward County Development, for economic development linking the airport. “We did have a groundbreaking for a new company recently that is geared towards the sustainable fuel for aircraft and they will be out on the northeast side of town,” Fornwalt relays. SOLVING AIRSIDE AND LANDSIDE CHALLENGES From airside to landside, our aviation professionals partner with commercial and general aviation airports to upgrade infrastructure, increase capacity, and make the journey safer and more reliable. 239 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 12 LIBERAL MID-AMERICA REGIONAL AIRPORT