Business View Magazine - December 2024

“Right now we are in a 6000 square-foot building and I think we are going to go up to a 16,000 squarefoot building.”“It will have more space in the secure area which will be a lot better and we will have a lot better checkpoint for the TSA.” Fornwalt also notes that the expansion will also provide more square footage for his office capacity and will also provide more room for the Sky West personnel and those in the TSA. “Everybody will not be cramped in their offices,” Fornwalt describes. “Parking will be a lot better too,” he expands. “All of this is still a work in progress but we are getting there,” he summarizes. “The parallel taxiway is another project that is getting ready to start. We are in the design process of it right now and it is for our crosswind runway. So we will see how that goes.” Working on the design of the project on the engineering end is HW Lochner. Together with the airport’s input phase one is moving forward. “We are getting ready to do surveys on it, and then geo tech is getting ready to come out this week and start doing dirt samples and then coring of the old concrete runways to see where they need to tear out, and where exactly the new taxiway is going to go,” Fornwalt elaborates. With reference to safety upgrades, Fornwalt draws attention to the airport’s recently completed LED lighting project. “We were actually done before the date that they were supposed to be done, so that went well and everyone likes the new lights- it is helping pilots with visibility which can be a real safety concern.” ECONOMIC POTENTIAL AIRSIDE The Liberal Mid-America Regional Airport is in the rare and fortunate position to be selling a 237 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 12 LIBERAL MID-AMERICA REGIONAL AIRPORT